A late night one...
Sleeping soon...
I have been coping with my new work and studying for the past one week. I have no time for my Rach and I am very sorry to her. I am glad that she is really understanding to my situation. Sometime I am very tired but I promise to meet her whenever I have the time. Spending time with her is too precious to lose it to tireness. Haha. I am motivated by my pay... All because I want to shower my precious with little little gifts and to save up for our future. She already has an amount, so I am just catching up with her. Wahaha... With our power combined, Branchel's piggy bank will swell up in no time. Wahaha... I just got Rach some gifts over the weekends & I'm totally happy with the purchases. Why? Cos I like them all. Wahaha... I think the 'high-class' shoe shop at centrepoint is very nice. I wouldn't mind bringing her there and get her one pair of 'limited' edition shoe monthly. Haha... Anyway that is not the case... I am looking forward to 25th this month. Before that, I'm looking forward to this coming weekends. Going to squeeze darling with my huge bear hug. She deserves it & I really miss her. I love YOU!!!