The Sneaky 'Ninjas'
08th Ard 2am till dawn...
The 'Ninja' night!!!
We are supposed to act tired in this pic, but she said only she look tired... So we retook another one... But I don't want to show that pic because I really look so tired!!! I want to maintain my pose... Hehe...
The planning took place like afew weeks back, but all doesn't goes accordingly to what we had planned...
The early rendevous was a postponed one from the previous night... The urge to see each other was so strong that we forsaken our sleep and rushed to meet up with one another in the middle of the night. Let's say around 3am in the morning... Whahaha. That is how serious we are... Mind you, we have never attempt anything like that before. So, it is a small feat for Branchel...
The 'rendevous' was a sweet one, with nice and long conversation. Oya, we survived the whole 'Ninja' experience without any help from coffee... Just 2 cups of iced-lemon tea...This lasted us for around 2 & a half hour before we need to wave goodbye to one another again. Stupid arh. . . Despite the slight bitterness when parting, we are still thankful that we did what we need to do...
Home Sweet Home...
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